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The e-commerce.

A couple of SSL issues


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The SSL information on these forums and documentation is really useful but I have a couple of problems I hope someone can help me with.


Problem 1. I have SSL working fine for my admin area except for the following problem. When I go to edit product info I get the whole "This page contains both secure and non secure items. Do you want to display the non-secure items?" This relates to the images in the products description field. My images are loaded up onto the server and located under images but I do have subdirectories for the different companies whose product I stock.


Problem 2. I want to get SSL working for customer registration, from a customer logging in and customer checkout (NB Payment is done as I am using a payment gateway). But the information I have investigated and tried to implement gets the whole site on https all the time. What code do I have to change to just get customer registration, from customer logging in and checkout (which I assume will work if I get the customer logging in working).


Happy new year and thanks


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im not sure about the 2nd issue but the cause of the first message "do you want to display non-secure items" is usually because images that you have on the page are not hosted on the same server / in the same root file as the SSL is for, try changing the location of the images to solve it

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The SSL information on these forums and documentation is really useful but I have a couple of problems I hope someone can help me with.


Problem 1. I have SSL working fine for my admin area except for the following problem. When I go to edit product info I get the whole "This page contains both secure and non secure items. Do you want to display the non-secure items?" This relates to the images in the products description field. My images are loaded up onto the server and located under images but I do have subdirectories for the different companies whose product I stock.


Problem 2. I want to get SSL working for customer registration, from a customer logging in and customer checkout (NB Payment is done as I am using a payment gateway). But the information I have investigated and tried to implement gets the whole site on https all the time. What code do I have to change to just get customer registration, from customer logging in and checkout (which I assume will work if I get the customer logging in working).


Happy new year and thanks



By default osC only uses secure pages when needed. If you have it setup correctly in your configure.php file the behavior you want is what you should be getting. You should not be getting https: urls all the time. I would check out your configure.php file and check out how you have it setup.

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OK so thanks for the tips.


I've got SSL working on the main page, as mentioned above it works when required, that is logon, account creation and checkout. However there is one issue. Once you log in, the 5 pictures on the front page, located in images directory do not load up under https.


In admin I still cannot get the images to load under https. Now these images are located under sub directories in the images/ directory. Could this be a problem?


Just to help out the relevant code for each is



define('DIR_WS_CATALOG', '/'); // absolute path required

define('DIR_WS_IMAGES', 'images/');

define('DIR_WS_CATALOG_IMAGES', DIR_WS_CATALOG . 'images/');



define('DIR_WS_IMAGES', 'images/');


well I think this is the relevant code I could be completely wrong :blink:




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