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The e-commerce.

Quick help please


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I just got done installing osCommerce on my account a couple hours ago and I'm kinda stuck on some things. I'm new to this so please bear with me...


1. How do I go about adding in Ads so that they are displayed on all of my pages? The hosting company I use requires that I put their ads on all of my pages. I did a search and kinda got an idea for something like the header.php or loggin.php? but I don't know where to look for those, or if they are even the correct places.


2. Is it possible to change all of the images in osCommerce and add my own logos, gradients, table outlines, ect? Is that something I have to do in a CSS file? Are there themes I can upload and switch between?


3. The products I'm hopefully going to be selling can only be sold in the US. Is there any way that I can restrict all of the orders, or better yet, just special items from being purchased by residents outside of the United States, Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico? I saw the countries in the Admin pannel, but didn't know if that all needed to stay or not, or if there was a quicker way to delete the ones I can't ship to, other than clicking each one, and then delete.


4. Currently, I have a subdomain. I am planning on purchasing a domain later on, but if I did, would I need to change any settings on anything when the URL changes?


That's about it if I can remember. Thanks for the help!

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I just got done installing osCommerce on my account a couple hours ago and I'm kinda stuck on some things. I'm new to this so please bear with me...


1. How do I go about adding in Ads so that they are displayed on all of my pages? The hosting company I use requires that I put their ads on all of my pages. I did a search and kinda got an idea for something like the header.php or loggin.php? but I don't know where to look for those, or if they are even the correct places.


2. Is it possible to change all of the images in osCommerce and add my own logos, gradients, table outlines, ect? Is that something I have to do in a CSS file? Are there themes I can upload and switch between?


3. The products I'm hopefully going to be selling can only be sold in the US. Is there any way that I can restrict all of the orders, or better yet, just special items from being purchased by residents outside of the United States, Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico? I saw the countries in the Admin pannel, but didn't know if that all needed to stay or not, or if there was a quicker way to delete the ones I can't ship to, other than clicking each one, and then delete.


4. Currently, I have a subdomain. I am planning on purchasing a domain later on, but if I did, would I need to change any settings on anything when the URL changes?


That's about it if I can remember. Thanks for the help!




1) Check out the Banner Manager under Tools in admin.

2) Check out this Knowledge Base page.

3) Remove ALL of the countries from the appropriate country table in the database EXCEPT the US. Then, they can't select any other country for shipping.

4) You can move the entire site and you only need to change catalog/includes/configure.php and admin/includes/configure.php.



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The Banner Manager, that doesn't to PHP codes does it?


4) So I can just copy over all of the files in my public_html folder and all my settings and such will be the same? Because currently I have a free hosting plan from these group of people, but you have to have a subdomain. YOu can buy a domain and user their nameserver to redirect it there. So in this instance, nothing is really moving to a different server, just getting a new-non-subdomain URL. Would I then have to change any settings?

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Hi Dirk,


I think alot of people here would agree with me when I say get yourself a new host. I would not dream of adding my hosts adverts to every page on my store.


Do yourself a favour and get yourself a new and better host!



Lifes a bitch, then you marry one, then you die!

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When you're running a store, free hosting is usually more expensive (problems caused by lack of features, no/bad support, downtime, slow servers, etc) than $10/month hosting.


Usually you get what you pay for.


Having said that, there is no technical reason I'm aware of why your current setup (with the details you've provided) wouldn't work just fine.


You don't need to know PHP to work the Banner Manager. Go to your Admin tool and give it a try! There is a reportedly better banner manager contribution available, but you'd have to use a little PHP (not know it, just follow installation instructions) to install it.



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Ok, I have this script that I need to get on my site so it is displayed on every page:


<script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript' src='http://x10hosting.com/advert/adx.js'></script> <script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'> <!-- if (!document.phpAds_used) document.phpAds_used = ','; phpAds_random = new String (Math.random()); phpAds_random = phpAds_random.substring(2,11); document.write ("<" + "script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript' src='"); document.write ("http://x10hosting.com/advert/adjs.php?n=" + phpAds_random); document.write ("&what=zone:1&target=_blank"); document.write ("&exclude=" + document.phpAds_used); if (document.referrer) document.write ("&referer=" + escape(document.referrer)); document.write ("'><" + "/script>"); //--> </script><noscript><a href='http://x10hosting.com/advert/adclick.php?n=a7fb3e9d' target='_blank'><img src='http://x10hosting.com/advert/adview.php?what=zone:1&n=a7fb3e9d' border='0' alt=''></a></noscript>


Banner Manager has no place for PHP scripts...please advise.

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Philosophically, I agree with the other posters. However, you have to do what you have to do and you asked a question so...


Do they have a JavaScript/HTML (i.e. non-PHP) version of the banner ad? If so, get that and paste it in to the Text part of the banner manager.



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No, just what I showed you.



Then just put the following in the Banner manager:

<a href='http://x10hosting.com/advert/adclick.php?n=a7fb3e9d' target='_blank'>
<img src='http://x10hosting.com/advert/adview.php?what=zone:1&n=a7fb3e9d' border='0' alt=''></a>

The code above is the code that would be used if the visitor to your site had JavaScript turned off (note the <noscript></noscript> tags in the original code. That should satisfy the host and will work with Banner Manager.



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It didn't show up. So I modified one of the hundreds of header.php files and finaly got it to work by removing the <noscript> tag.


Now I'm stuck on costomizing it more. I can't figure out where the section to change the following areas are, or what file they are under:


1. The Navigation menu on the top of the page, I've got a background image for it, but I need to make the row taller and have less width. I was able to do it for all of the other infoBoxHeading areas, but not for this one.


2. The same thing goes for the area that usualy reads "New Products for <Month>" I need to be able to extend the height, and remove the images on either side of the bar.


3. Is there anyway to put the main content in some sort of box? I mean everything on the main page (index.php) that is between the two content tables on either side. I'd like to be able to put it on some sort of blocked table background that would float on the web site background. Borderless, and if possible, with rounded corners. Is all of this possible in CSS, or do I have to do something in the other files?


Thanks again!

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