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List Manufacturers alphabetically with labels?


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Ahoy everybody. I have been attempting to modify the allmanufacturers contribution to my liking, but have not had much luck so far.


What I want is the manufactuers listed alphabetically VERTICALLY, (text only, no logos - but i have that figured out) rather than horizontally in 3 columns of equal length. ie. Column one fills up alphabetically first, then 2, then 3, all of equal length.


BUT, I would like those broken down into seperate "areas" if you will, by letters. For example: Header A has all manufacturers that start with A. Header B has all manufacturers that start with B. Header C has all manufacturers that start with C.


All in all, I was wondering if there is something out there like that I havn't found yet or if someone could help guide this php newbie/intermediate though the process?


Any suggestions out there?



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