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Help Installing OScommerce


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Thanks for your time,

I am near to embarrassment, I cannot get started with OS; I am familiar with computers and have worked as an e-procurement system administrator for a while. I feel more confused than when I started.

This is where I am; I want to install and run the site on my PC before transferring it for hosting.

? I have XP with IIS running,

? I have downloaded and installed Mysql,

? Downloaded the Oscommerce files and extracted.

? And also downloaded the PHP files

? I have FrontPage 2000


Is there something I am missing? Please help.


Many Thanks

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Thanks for your time,

I am near to embarrassment, I cannot get started with OS; I am familiar with computers and have worked as an e-procurement system administrator for a while. I feel more confused than when I started.

This is where I am; I want to install and run the site on my PC before transferring it for hosting.

? I have XP with IIS running,

? I have downloaded and installed Mysql,

? Downloaded the Oscommerce files and extracted.

? And also downloaded the PHP files

? I have FrontPage 2000


Is there something I am missing? Please help.


Many Thanks


Yes, after installing mysql, you need to download and install PHP (http://www.php.net/downloads.php) There are two versions available, the full .zip and an installer .exe. Choose the .zip as it includes all the extensions. There are installation instructions, including windows, within the .zip download.


Once you have PHP installed and working, there are some changes you need to make -


1) The default php.ini does not enable mysql support. Find the following line and remove the semicolon to uncomment it - ;extension=php_mysql.dll

2) You will also need to make sure that the following two lines in php.ini are set to ON -

register_globals and register_long_arrays


You should now be able to follow and complete installation using the instructions for oscommerce.


A word of warning about experimenting with this off line on a development computer and later doing this on a hosting company's server - no matter how hard you try, there will be configuration differences between the two systems. What you get working on your development computer may not work on the hosting server and visa-versa. For example the need to have register_globals = ON. On the other hand, you will learn a lot about what it takes to install and configure this, which will help you find a hosting company that it will work on.

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P.S. If during installation, step 3, you get an error that the oscommerce.sql file cannot be found, you will need to work around this (after all you only install this once.) Here is a link to a current discussion of this problem -



In the case of Windows XP the path information you need is -


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