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Spiders still have osCsid I don't want them to


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Do you have the latest spiders.txt contrib installed? It has updated spiders that didn't exist in 2003 when osC 2.2 MS 2 was released.



I do have it but i'm not sure what folder they are suppose to be? and if the spider.txt and robots.txt are they the same thing?

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There's a lot of misunderstanding about Spiders and session ids. Many of the session ids you might see can be down to Spiders which came to your site and created session ids BEFORE you set Prevent Spider Sessions to 'true' or are Spiders which were not listed in the spiders.txt file when they first visited - and so created session ids at that time.


Also, if your site does not use ssl, or if it has a full ssl cert then you can set 'Force Cookie Use' to true, and this will resolve the session ids problem, as the session id is wrapped inside a cookie placed on the users computer. You cannot use this feature if you have a shared ssl cert.



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