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The e-commerce.

hardcore newbie help plz...


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sorry, i jus dled oscom and i have no idea on how to get started...

i am familiar in html, java from making site in school.. but i guess i am totally out of my league right now

but me and a partner are trying to start a small business and found that this could really be of help to us..

can anyone help me with the basic, on how to get started with this.. i tend to learn really quick so once i get pushed in the right direction i should be able to hold my own till things get tricky..

thnx to anyone willing to help..

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sorry, i jus dled oscom and i have no idea on how to get started...

i am familiar in html, java from making site in school.. but i guess i am totally out of my league right now

but me and a partner are trying to start a small business and found that this could really be of help to us..

can anyone help me with the basic, on how to get started with this.. i tend to learn really quick so once i get pushed in the right direction i should be able to hold my own till things get tricky..

thnx to anyone willing to help..



Best place to start is HERE

The Knowledge Base is a wonderful thing.

Do you have a problem? Have you checked out Common Problems?

There are many very useful osC Contributions

Are you having trouble with a installed contribution? Have you checked out the support thread found Here

BACKUP BACKUP BACKUP!!! You did backup, right??

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Best place to start is HERE

man.... confusing as hell

i talked to a friend who uses oscom, he said i cant use it on a computer thats running xp..

what do i do, if i want to build the site first before paying someone to host it?

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man.... confusing as hell

i talked to a friend who uses oscom, he said i cant use it on a computer thats running xp..

what do i do, if i want to build the site first before paying someone to host it?


You could run OScommerce at XP Home/Professional

I think you better ask to someone who knows how to operate/install/manage/maintain oscommerce

Oscommerce was designed to almost/all possible online business.

PM me if you need more assistance.


Looking forward to hear from you soon.


Best regards,


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