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Is there a way to copy product attributes of similar items?


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I sell clothing on my OSc site. My products typically have several sizes to choose from. It is easy enough to copy a similar product and just tweak the copy to reflect a minor difference such as color, but the product attributes I added to the original do not carry over to the duplicate item. What is the best way to handle this situation?

thanks in advance.

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I sell clothing on my OSc site. My products typically have several sizes to choose from. It is easy enough to copy a similar product and just tweak the copy to reflect a minor difference such as color, but the product attributes I added to the original do not carry over to the duplicate item. What is the best way to handle this situation?

thanks in advance.



There are some attribute contributions like Master Attributes and Attribute Sets. You may also need to worry about tracking quantites by size. Check out QTPro contrib for that instead.



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