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osCsid working?


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Okay, I am in the process of creating my store... I noticed that when you first go to the store the osCsid is added to all the hyperlinks on the page, but when you click on any of the links the resulting pages drop the osCsid and it looks like it disappears. Is this normal? If not, any guesses as to why the id is dropped on pages other than the first visit?


store link is http://www.petuning.com/store/ . Lot of work left to do yet though so excuse the ugliness for now.

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it disappears when you have the cookies stored on your system so no need to append the sid on the links. You could block cookies with your browser and then you will see that the session is always appended.

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Okay, I am in the process of creating my store... I noticed that when you first go to the store the osCsid is added to all the hyperlinks on the page, but when you click on any of the links the resulting pages drop the osCsid and it looks like it disappears. Is this normal? If not, any guesses as to why the id is dropped on pages other than the first visit?


store link is http://www.petuning.com/store/ . Lot of work left to do yet though so excuse the ugliness for now.



The links in your header are pure html and are linked only to the href. This removes the sID from the url. You'll need to encode those links using the tep_href_link function to hold the session.

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