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The e-commerce.

osCommerce for event registration and payment


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I'm developing a web site for an organization which holds "reunion family camps" (for lack of a better term) in the summer in Europe. We've identified a need to sell books and music on the site. A shopping cart is a no-brainer for that... :)




I've never used osCommerce and I have two questions for our situation:


1. The site (www.intouchcamps.com) is developed in the Limbo CMS (www.limbo-cms.com). I'd like to simply "frame in" the osCommerce stuff since regular users of the site will NOT be signing into the CMS but they would have to do some signin for buying stuff. In other words, I don't need any back-end integration between Limbo and osCommerce. I just want to know if osCommerce can behave well sitting in an iframe with a barebones template so that it has a seamless connection with the rest of the Limbo-based site visually but it can function independantly? (whew...long question!) :blink:


2. The other identified need is to facilitate signup and payment for camp participation. If I'm already using osCommerce for handling purchases of hard goods, I'm wondering if I could use it as well for purchasing "intagibles" like a week at a camp? Some specifics would be that it would be nice if it didn't look like a "shopping cart" for the camp registration. Als a person could pay for their family in one fell swoop, keeping in mind that kids will cost less and perhaps charging for the first 3 kids and then a lower price after that. Has anyone done something similar with osCommerce or could easily see how that could be done conceptually? :-"


I searched the contributions and the forums and really didn't find answers to this, but I'm hopeful that this is doable given the maturity of the osCommerce product.


Thanks for any help! :thumbsup:

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