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Selling cases but need "per/product" price to show


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I have a website where I sell products that are bundled in sets of 12/24/100, etc. I want the per/product price to show though. So let's say I have a product ABC that comes in sets of 12, and it costs 24.00 total - well, I want the price for product ABC to show $2.00(the "per/product" price) as opposed to $24.00, and when the customer puts in a quantity of let's say "2", the price showing in their cart would be 48.00. Does anyone know of a contribution that will do this for me?

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I have a website where I sell products that are bundled in sets of 12/24/100, etc. I want the per/product price to show though. So let's say I have a product ABC that comes in sets of 12, and it costs 24.00 total - well, I want the price for product ABC to show $2.00(the "per/product" price) as opposed to $24.00, and when the customer puts in a quantity of let's say "2", the price showing in their cart would be 48.00. Does anyone know of a contribution that will do this for me?
I believe everything you ask for can be found in the Quantity Price Breaks Per Product contribution:
2) Ability to force products to be sold in lots of # quantity. (The shopping cart will enforce this).


This is useful if you only want to sell say, cases of a product, but do not want to price the product by the case. (For example, if I sell a product in lots of 12 units, the shopping cart will only allow the customer to specify multiples of 12)

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