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Can product be an interview form?


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am considering osc and wonder if we can have products include text boxes to add information, radio buttons for yes/no, etc. In other words, we would like to also have interview forms as products. is this possible to setup with osc?


many thanks

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typically products have price associated with, or attributes that could be setup as extra parameters for a product any way you want. Now if you want to keep customer forms say an interview form this can be done separately unless you're planning to make sales of the forms. If you need to just store the information in the dbase then you could create an sql table with the form parameters and store them there. If you need categories of forms then have look in the contributions how the articles manager for instance duplicated the product/categories.

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typically products have price associated with, or attributes that could be setup as extra parameters for a product any way you want. Now if you want to keep customer forms say an interview form this can be done separately unless you're planning to make sales of the forms. If you need to just store the information in the dbase then you could create an sql table with the form parameters and store them there. If you need categories of forms then have look in the contributions how the articles manager for instance duplicated the product/categories.



Yes, there would be a price associated with this product, but it also contains additional text fields, text boxes, and dropdown menu fields asking questions. See the example page here


can osc be set up in this or similar manner?

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Ok, in that case I could not find a contribution directly offering this. There might be one close have a look.


Anyways, So you basically need a consultation sql table. The consultation sql table will keep a record of each customer's id entering data and for which product's id he enters that info. Should have auto-increment index. Code then can cross-reference the customer id and the product id for a particular consultation and bring up results statistics or whatever info you want to manipulate. If you decide to use product attributes then the code must also take that into account. Once a customer sumbits the form the info is stored in the dbase for your review. That happens when you click the add to cart.


That's the basic theory behind it and as I said if there is something similar in the contributions you could leverage some code for it.

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perhaps the categories extra fields is one that comes close. You still need to enhance it though and specify the various boxes as input and redirect the info to the consultation sql table.

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