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yahoo submit


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i would like to submit my website to yahoo. one approach to submitting is by having a file that contains all of the site's URLs separated by line.


Does anyone know how to generate this? Is there a contribution?


I could not find anything.


Any ideas? : )


Have a great day.

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i would like to submit my website to yahoo. one approach to submitting is by having a file that contains all of the site's URLs separated by line.


Does anyone know how to generate this? Is there a contribution?


I could not find anything.


Any ideas? : )


Have a great day.


I am not aware of any such contribution, and honestly I would not put much effort into 'submitting' to Yahoo or any of the other major search engines for that matter. While they all still provide a link so that you may submit your site, it doesn't make much difference whether you do or you don't. Sites are picked up and stored in the search engine databases from their spidering activities. It's more important that you spend your efforts working with other site owners to have your site's link displayed.


Now I haven't heard of Yahoo doing this, however Google has a program where you may create a 'sitemap' of your site, which is formatted in XML, which can then be uploaded to them. As a general rule I do this for all the sites I work with. Whether or not it makes a true difference, the jury appears to still be out on that one. You'll have to do the leg work yourself, but I have seen mention of a contribution that generates the Google site map.


Be well,


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Teach a person to fish rather than give them a loaf of bread or however that saying goes.

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Hi Tina,


Thank you so much for your prompt and informative reply. I have already created the google sitemap. I guess I should not worry about Yahoo. Finding other respectable site owners to display my link will be difficult I would imagine; however, I will definitely give it a try.


Have the best day!





I am not aware of any such contribution, and honestly I would not put much effort into 'submitting' to Yahoo or any of the other major search engines for that matter. While they all still provide a link so that you may submit your site, it doesn't make much difference whether you do or you don't. Sites are picked up and stored in the search engine databases from their spidering activities. It's more important that you spend your efforts working with other site owners to have your site's link displayed.


Now I haven't heard of Yahoo doing this, however Google has a program where you may create a 'sitemap' of your site, which is formatted in XML, which can then be uploaded to them. As a general rule I do this for all the sites I work with. Whether or not it makes a true difference, the jury appears to still be out on that one. You'll have to do the leg work yourself, but I have seen mention of a contribution that generates the Google site map.


Be well,


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