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Change Login Textareas style


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I want to change the style of the textboxes on my login.php page,


I have a CSS style already ready to do the job but I do not know how to connect the two because the textbox is created using PHP.


The code reads:


<?php echo tep_draw_input_field('email_address'); ?>

The class I want to assign to it is called "search_box" and in normal HTML it would be easy by writing:


<input name="textfield" type="text" class="search_box" width="100" height="20"></input>


But I canot seem to work out away of adding the class in php... how do I change the "tep_draw_input_field"?





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I want to change the style of the textboxes on my login.php page,


I have a CSS style already ready to do the job but I do not know how to connect the two because the textbox is created using PHP.


The code reads:


<?php echo tep_draw_input_field('email_address'); ?>

The class I want to assign to it is called "search_box" and in normal HTML it would be easy by writing:


<input name="textfield" type="text" class="search_box" width="100" height="20"></input>


But I canot seem to work out away of adding the class in php... how do I change the "tep_draw_input_field"?






The best way to figure out what it is you need to change in regards to styles, I've found is to open the page in your browser and then view > source. That way you are looking at the rendered HTML without having to sort out the PHP. In regards to styles, unless you are adding a new one, generally you can make all of those changes in the style sheet itself without having to modify any PHP code.


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Yes, I have already seen whats coming out the other end from the source,


This goes in:


<?php echo tep_draw_input_field('email_address'); ?>

And This Comes Out:


<input type="text" name="email_address">


How can I edit what comes out of the other end?




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