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The e-commerce.

opinions on my website please


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hello, everybody...i'm new to the forums and was hoping to get some opinions on my site..... if you have any suggestions or constructive critisism, at all....i would really appreciate it..... what do you think about the navigation of the site, layout etc???? thanks so much!!!!!!


Gypsy Love


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hello, everybody...i'm new to the forums and was hoping to get some opinions on my site..... if you have any suggestions or constructive critisism, at all....i would really appreciate it..... what do you think about the navigation of the site, layout etc???? thanks so much!!!!!!


Gypsy Love



I do not quite see the purpose of the splash page. I feel that when you are trying to sell something its important to allow your customer to have access to the product as soon as possible. On the Internet that means having fewer clicks she/he needs to perform.


You have a basic stock layout of osC, so I'm making the assumption you are really asking about your color choices. My personal feeling is the orange is a bit harsh, it doesn't allow me to feel comfortable, and therefore I'm not likely to want to spend much time browsing. Especially considering your line of products I would suggest a softer color scheme.


Be well,


If you're not having fun you're not doing it right


Teach a person to fish rather than give them a loaf of bread or however that saying goes.

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Loose the splash page, theres really no need for it. Your site isnt an adult content site so its really a waste of bandwidth and the users time.


Relatively stock layout with change of CSS. You might want t rethink that but if it works for your customers and it makes them feel comfortable then thats fine.


In the footer: 13953 requests since Tuesday 28 June, 2005

Loose that.... its pointless.


Get rid of the language infobox on the right as it serves no purpose with english being the only language.


Stock oscommerce buttons... definetely change these. Theres plenty of buttons available for free on the nte to match the osc sites... google is your friend there.


There is no SSL on the important pages like the create account and login pages. Any web savvy user will simply stop at that point as they know there information may be compromised.


You have no shipping and returns, privacy notice or conditions of use! Thats a major downfall and any professional site needs to have thorough terms and conditions. Its these conditions that tell the user what their role is, what their responsibilities are, what your responsibilities are not most importantly serves as the basis of the sales contract between your business and the customer.




A lot of work to do ....


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The other posters are so right about the splash page - and everything else. When you put a site up for criticism and it's a fairly stock install of osCommerce then you can expect it to get heavily criticised. The basic install and a few colour changes don't make for a great website.



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