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Missing Fields in the CC area, how to add them


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I cant seem to be missing two fields.

I though I would have a field to select what brand credit card?

Like a box to check or drop down for visa, ms, ae, dicover, etc.


I am also missing the field to enter the security #, for visa, mc, discover it is a 3 digit #, for American Express it is a 4 digit number.

I can see where or how to add that and cant find it in a tutorial anywhere.


I have the fields to enter the cc #, and expiration but not the two above.


Anyone have a answer or a link to how to add these two fields?




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I cant seem to be missing two fields.

I though I would have a field to select what brand credit card?

Like a box to check or drop down for visa, ms, ae, dicover, etc.


I am also missing the field to enter the security #, for visa, mc, discover it is a 3 digit #, for American Express it is a 4 digit number.

I can see where or how to add that and cant find it in a tutorial anywhere.


I have the fields to enter the cc #, and expiration but not the two above.


Anyone have a answer or a link to how to add these two fields?




I don't know if this will help or not: http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,2422/

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