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Setting Up LinkPoint API


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Hi, I have downloaded a LinkPoint API contribution and downloaded my PEM file and changed it from 000000.pem to my user account number, and then uploaded it with an FTP client. I then went to our OSCommerce website admin and made the changes at catalog/includes/modules/payment/LinkPoint Credit Card. Enable Linkpoint module = TRUE, LinkPoint authorization mode = Pre-authorization, Linkpoint login = xxxxxx, LinkPoint server = secure.linkpt.net, LinkPoint email = [email protected], Payment Zone = None, Set Order Status = Pending, Sort order of display = 1, LinkPoint mode = Live.

When I try to make a purchase with a credit card, I get a MS Window's Can't Find Server white screen at the URL address http://www.xxxxxx.com/catalog/checkout_process.php.

Can someone tell me why this is happening and in simple step by step terms, explain to me how to fix this?



Thanks, Jim O

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