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PayPal - Return to Merchant - Order_Success


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I get the feeling this is an old topic and have seen reference to it over the past few weeks but was thinking it was one for the future.


Today I have had my first order where I did not find out what they ordered but got the money because they did not click return to merchant.


What can be done about this? I have solved it for now by hacking into the users account and seeing what they had in their basket (fortutunately I knew the person).


But what can I do in future?


Many thanks



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I just email the customer and give them this message...


Thank you for shopping at LinneCards.

However, you order did not process. You must click CONTINUE on the PayPal for the order to complete.

Please go back to LinneCards and LOGIN. Your cart should still be full. Please CHECKOUT but click

CHECK/MONEY ORDER so you are not charged twice.

I apologize for the inconvenience.



It's easy enough for them to go back and check out again. They usually remember the next time. B)

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