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Problem with googlebot


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I check logs and I see that google bot is trying to put items to cart


GET /advanced_search_result.php?keywords=p-087&sort=2a&action=buy_now&products_id=176 HTTP/1.1

Status: 302, 0 B -

Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +http://www.google.com/bot.html)


Googlebot is added in my spiders.txt and robots.txt is ok too. I changed product_listing to not show add to cart link when one is not logged but I guess that it googlebot has this links in cache.


What should I do?

1. Ignore it?

2. Redirect googlebot to main page of shop? if yes what would be the code to do that? (with .htaccess)

3. Something else.


Thank you

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check the sessions in your admin make sure spiders cannot generate sessions.

I saw that problem today but not will googlebot it was a gsitemap to create a google sitemap and I do have the Prevent known spiders set to true. But I saw it had over $8,000 for items on the cart. What else can it be

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yes there other things that could add a session for everyone like a contribution you installed. Because it does not happen with a default osc store. So what other contributions you got there? Like page cache for instance?

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yes there other things that could add a session for everyone like a contribution you installed. Because it does not happen with a default osc store. So what other contributions you got there? Like page cache for instance?


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I think this is it.

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