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Newbie questions - installation directory and off-site work?


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Hi all,


Just ran the installation of osCommerce on my webhost, and I'm in the process of setting up the cart system. Couple of questions..

1) I installed it to a "osCommerce" directory.. I wanted to set up the system before going live on the site.. should I have installed it to my root www directory if I want it to be the main page, and

2) If I downloaded the program source and worked on the site off-line, is there a way to import all the database files and settings to the on-line version?


Thanks.. total newbie here. :o

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It's not a bad idea to install to a folder while developing, but then to move it to the root level when you are ready to go live. You just have to move the files and edit the two configure.php files.


To work on the site offline you have to set up your computer as a local web server (Intranet). Here's an all-in-one Apache server package called XAMPP - www.apachefriends.org. It's a 1-click install.


To use your online database offline then you'd need to download a backup using the online phpMyAdmin, and then import the contents into your offline database using your local phpMyAdmin.



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