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Product Price 0


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Hi all the products in my store have the price of 0. I have only one currency in my store and one language, GBP and English, both set to Default.


I have checked the english.php file unlder includes/languages.english.php and it shows GBP as being the default currency,

I have put the GBP currency in as

Name: Great British Pound

Code: GBP

Sysbol Left: ?

Symbol right:

Decimal Point: .

Thousand Point: ,

Decimal Place:2

Value 1.0000


it shows in admin the price correctly but in the store its value is '0'.




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Hi all the products in my store have the price of 0. I have only one currency in my store and one language, GBP and English, both set to Default.


I have checked the english.php file unlder includes/languages.english.php and it shows GBP as being the default currency,

I have put the GBP currency in as

Name: Great British Pound

Code: GBP

Sysbol Left: ?

Symbol right:

Decimal Point: .

Thousand Point: ,

Decimal Place:2

Value 1.0000


it shows in admin the price correctly but in the store its value is '0'.





If you have in your includes/languages/english.php

// if USE_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_CURRENCY is true, use the following currency, instead of the applications default currency (used when changing language)

then check and try setting in your admin->configuration->my store->Switch To Default Language Currency to true

if that is already set to true I don't have a direct answer


by the way: I believe it is called 'Great Brittain Pound' or 'UK Pound'

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