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Error with stock quantity if a edit an order!


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In my webshop, I disabled the stock control. So, if users buy products, stock values are not changing.

I put 0 if I haven't units, and 1 if I have got.


But, If I edit an order with your contribution (ORDER EDITOR 1.61c), products quantity changes stock quantity.

I need to disable this feature!


Which lines I need to change in order to do this?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've been working on an similar problem, but with Bundled Products not doing stock correctly. Your problem is catalog/admin/edit_orders.php is not checking STOCK_LIMITED.


From what I can see just put this if statement


if (STOCK_LIMITED == 'true') {




around 2 blocks of code, like this:


Lines 281-285

	 if (STOCK_LIMITED == 'true') {
281		  $order = tep_db_fetch_array($order_query);
282		  if ($products_details["qty"] != $order['products_quantity']) {
283			$quantity_difference = ($products_details["qty"] - $order['products_quantity']);
284		   tep_db_query("update " . TABLE_PRODUCTS . " set products_quantity = products_quantity - " . $quantity_difference . ", products_ordered = products_ordered + " . $quantity_difference . " where products_id = '" . (int)$order['products_id'] . "'");
285		  }

Lines 327-330

			if (STOCK_LIMITED == 'true') {
327			   if ($products_details["qty"] != $order['products_quantity']){
328				 $quantity_difference = ($products_details["qty"] - $order['products_quantity']);
329				   tep_db_query("update " . TABLE_PRODUCTS . " set products_quantity = products_quantity - " . $quantity_difference . ", products_ordered = products_ordered + " . $quantity_difference . " where products_id = '" . (int)$order['products_id'] . "'");
330			 }


I'm pretty sure this will fix it, but as usual, backup your database, backup your code, and backup your backup, and use this at your own risk.





In my webshop, I disabled the stock control. So, if users buy products, stock values are not changing.

I put 0 if I haven't units, and 1 if I have got.


But, If I edit an order with your contribution (ORDER EDITOR 1.61c), products quantity changes stock quantity.

I need to disable this feature!


Which lines I need to change in order to do this?


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Missed one.


Look for


tep_db_query("update " . TABLE_PRODUCTS . " set products_quantity = products_quantity - " . $add_product_quantity . ", products_ordered = products_ordered + " . $add_product_quantity . " where products_id = '" . $add_product_products_id . "'");


and put the if statement around it.



I've been working on an similar problem, but with Bundled Products not doing stock correctly. Your problem is catalog/admin/edit_orders.php is not checking STOCK_LIMITED.


From what I can see just put this if statement


if (STOCK_LIMITED == 'true') {




around 2 blocks of code, like this:


Lines 281-285

	 if (STOCK_LIMITED == 'true') {
281		  $order = tep_db_fetch_array($order_query);
282		  if ($products_details["qty"] != $order['products_quantity']) {
283			$quantity_difference = ($products_details["qty"] - $order['products_quantity']);
284		   tep_db_query("update " . TABLE_PRODUCTS . " set products_quantity = products_quantity - " . $quantity_difference . ", products_ordered = products_ordered + " . $quantity_difference . " where products_id = '" . (int)$order['products_id'] . "'");
285		  }
Lines 327-330

			if (STOCK_LIMITED == 'true') {
327			   if ($products_details["qty"] != $order['products_quantity']){
328				 $quantity_difference = ($products_details["qty"] - $order['products_quantity']);
329				   tep_db_query("update " . TABLE_PRODUCTS . " set products_quantity = products_quantity - " . $quantity_difference . ", products_ordered = products_ordered + " . $quantity_difference . " where products_id = '" . (int)$order['products_id'] . "'");
330			 }


I'm pretty sure this will fix it, but as usual, backup your database, backup your code, and backup your backup, and use this at your own risk.




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