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Linking one product to another?


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I'm trying to come up with a convenient way to link products together, since one product requires another. The initial thought is to copy the URL of the referred product and hard-code the link into the description of the referring product. However, it's possible that the product ID may not always be the same. If I ever re-create the database or delete and re-add the product later, it will probably make the link invalid. It would be nice to link the product by model # instead, but before I start trying to come up with the php for this, I'm guessing that this problem is not so uncommon, and perhaps osC has some built-in way to do this?



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I'm trying to come up with a convenient way to link products together, since one product requires another. The initial thought is to copy the URL of the referred product and hard-code the link into the description of the referring product. However, it's possible that the product ID may not always be the same. If I ever re-create the database or delete and re-add the product later, it will probably make the link invalid. It would be nice to link the product by model # instead, but before I start trying to come up with the php for this, I'm guessing that this problem is not so uncommon, and perhaps osC has some built-in way to do this?



The XSell contribution might be just what you are looking for (with maybe some adjustments to make things mandatory if neccessary).

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I'm trying to come up with a convenient way to link products together, since one product requires another. The initial thought is to copy the URL of the referred product and hard-code the link into the description of the referring product.[/url]

You can use Steve Lionel's contribution Embed Link with SID in Description for that.

I'm guessing that this problem is not so uncommon, and perhaps osC has some built-in way to do this?
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