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The e-commerce.

Digital Goods? is there a contribution?

Mecca Perspective

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Does anyone know if there is a way to be able to control the entire process of selling Digital Goods through OSC, without having to use a third party like payloadz.com ?


I looked for a contrib, but I didnt see anything, and I did a search, but no luck. Though, I thought I read it somewhere, at sometime, once,...upon a time. :huh:


I would like to sell Photography from my OSC store.


Any help or thoughts is appriciated.





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Does anyone know if there is a way to be able to control the entire process of selling Digital Goods through OSC, without having to use a third party like payloadz.com ?


I looked for a contrib, but I didnt see anything, and I did a search, but no luck. Though, I thought I read it somewhere, at sometime, once,...upon a time. :huh:


I would like to sell Photography from my OSC store.


Any help or thoughts is appriciated.




We've used the Downloads Controller contribution for quite some time for digital goods. Works very well. And from what I understand the current version sounds like a significant upgrade from the version that I've installed.


Be well,



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