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Mmm What do I do now?


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I've been working on my site for the past 6 months on and off. I'm getting to the point where I'm thinking 'What Now?'. I would love some suggestions as to what I could do to improve it.

Upto now I've not liked the sites that are over the top. I want something that looks professional.


Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.






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I've been working on my site for the past 6 months on and off. I'm getting to the point where I'm thinking 'What Now?'. I would love some suggestions as to what I could do to improve it.

Upto now I've not liked the sites that are over the top. I want something that looks professional.


Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.






I think you have an awesome shop!


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To start with you need to increase the product range. I realise it might be in development/testing but the sonner you get those products up the sooner you can sell them! On top of that.... listing products isnt as easy as you think either. It helps to spend time on each product and write a sales pitch and decent information for the customer.


Perhaps more than one category would be needed as well.


You need SSL on your login and account pages to keep your customers private details safe. Any savvy web shopper that doesn't see their lock (SSL) with 9 times out of 10 leave the shop.


Overall the site has maintained its stock form with a few changes. Not sure what your customers demand but try putting yourslef in their shes or perhaps conduct a walkthrough with a would-be-shopper and get some feedback.


Like you said its quite simple with not a lot of guff which is nice and neat but you are loosing the ability to be smart with your site and really drive sales.


Good luck with it...


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I'm on my laptop and your site requires me to scroll to the right to see all of the right-hand column and part of the middle. If I was in a hurry, I probably wouldn't bother to see what's over there ...


I'd probably take out the "this product was added to the catalog on xxx date" line on the product pages.


15 days delivery time? Are you a drop shipper? I couldn't see if there's a disclaimer in the shopping cart about the long delivery time; you might want to think about putting it somewhere a customer's likely to see it before you start getting the inevitable "where's my order" emails or, worse, chargebacks for non-delivery.


Other than that, the logo and design is nice.

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It does look nice! In particular, I like the look of the rotating image in the header. It complements your shop IMO.


Here are a few ideas that come to mind:


- install an image thumbnailer

- looks like you have a redirect from http://www.urban-sole.co.uk/ to http://www.urban-sole.co.uk/catalog/. Search engines generally don't like this. Better to move the shop up to http://www.urban-sole.co.uk.

- You don't seem to have SSL installed. This discourages customers from sharing personal information with you.

- Note the brand logos in the right column. Consider making the Puma link to Puma shoes, Nike image link to Nike shoes, etc.

- http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contri...g+cart+reminder





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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for the info. I will try and put those suggestions into place. I hadn't checked the forum for a while since I thought I had received most of the comments that I was going to get. So its nice to get some further feedback! I was wondering what the image thumbnailer is, and also is there a good guide to getting SSL set-up? How much will this cost?


OK thanks,



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Just a quick tip:


People will have to scroll on their laptop or from any pc running at 800 x 600 because whatever way you chose to center your shop, you specified a pixel width that is too wide. I experimented with this until I finally settled on a width that allowed people running 800x 600 to see the store without having to scroll right.




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  • 4 weeks later...

Nice colors - easy on the eyes.


Since your left and right columns are so short - how about moving the right column boxes to the left, so you have one long left column and then the middle content. Might help with the scrolling issue also.


Like how each page has a different header image - a little surprise *grins*

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First thing that i noticed was that you state that you only deliver to theUK, but you would still allow me to create an account if i came from another country. Either make the UK, your only country, or make it the first one listed.


Know where on your site, could i find any contact details apart from an email address. This puts loads of people off.


There is also no information about you or your company. Add an about us page.


Add more product information on each product. Would you buy a pair of trainers for 85 quid, if you knew nothing about them. I doubt it.


Your tell a friend box, make the column width increase.


Plus all the rest that others say.


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