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Having problems with Link Share Exchange 1.3


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Every time I try to change the img src from the original banners to mine, everything on the page disappears. Can some one help me?

This is the original file as it is when you install Link Share Exchange 1.3






$Id: privacy.php,v 1.3 2001/12/20 14:14:15 dgw_ Exp $


The Exchange Project - Community Made Shopping!



Copyright © 2000,2001 The Exchange Project


Released under the GNU General Public License


Link Share/Exchange contribution created by Milly Ramsey of www.dragonwizards.com




define('LINKS_NAVBAR_TITLE', 'Links');

define('NAVBAR_TITLE', 'Submit Your Site');

define('HEADING_TITLE', 'Submit Your Site');

define('NAME', 'Your name:');

define('EMAIL', 'Email:');

define('SITE_NAME', 'Site name:');

define('SITE_URL', 'URL to site:');

define('LINKS_URL', 'URL to your links page:');

define('BANNER_URL', 'URL to banner image:<BR><FONT SIZE=-4><i>(300px by <45px)</i></FONT>');

define('SITE_DESCRIPTION', 'Brief site description:<BR><FONT SIZE=-4><i>(20 words or less)</i></FONT>');


define('ABOVE_FORM_TEXT', 'Submit a link to your site to appear on our Links page.<BR>


<font COLOR=99BBDD><B>Swap Links!</B></FONT> - Link popularity is fast becoming one of the highest weighted criteria used in ranking your site in the search engines. The more related sites linking to yours the higher your sites ranking climbs in the search engine results. In short, the more pages that link to your page, the better. This is an easy, free way to do get links to your site. All you have to do is reciprocate. Exchanging links between sites is easy!



<font COLOR=99BBDD><B>Here's what to do:</B></FONT>


<LI><B>Add a link to our site on one of your pages*</b>


<FONT SIZE=-2>Please choose from the options below which link will best suit your requirements.



<LI>If you would like to link to ' . STORE_NAME . ' using a graphical image, please feel free to use any of the images below. <i>(Please do not direct link to your chosen image. Please download it and host it on your site. Thank you)</i></FONT>



<IMG SRC=images/linksharelogos/dragonwizards468x60.jpg>

<IMG SRC=images/linksharelogos/dragonwizards400x82.jpg>

<IMG SRC=images/linksharelogos/dragonwizards350x57.jpg>

<IMG SRC=images/linksharelogos/dragonwizards292x33.jpg>

<IMG SRC=images/linksharelogos/dragonwizards100x47.jpg>

<IMG SRC=images/linksharelogos/dragonwizards200x93.jpg>

<IMG SRC=images/linksharelogos/dragonwizards150x57.jpg>




<LI>You may also link to ' . STORE_NAME . ' via a text link.</i></FONT>



<B>Include our site description:</B> Bring the fantasy home! Fantasy collectibles for every fantasy fan! Statues, weaponry, jewelry, magic, RPG accessories, and MORE!


<LI><B>Fill out the form below</b>


<font COLOR=99BBDD><B>Note:</B></FONT> <b>All</B> fields are <b>required</b> <i>except</i> the banner url, though we prefer to display an image link to your site. (' . STORE_NAME . ' will host the banner)

<BR><font COLOR=99BBDD><i>Please read our Guidelines for Approval below before submitting your site.</i></FONT>





define('BELOW_FORM_TEXT', '


<LI>We'll review your site as soon as possible. Once it is approved and we detect the reciprocal link on your site, your link will be promptly added to our page. Once the administrator adds (or rejects) your link, you will be contacted. If your site is rejected, we will tell you why.



<font COLOR=99BBDD><B>Guidelines for Approval</B></FONT>


-*Our link must be placed on either your main, default or index page. If not, a link to the page must be made from your main, default or index page to the page where the link will be placed or it won't be found by the search engine spiders. So if not on your main page, just make a hyperlink on your index page to the page where the link to our site is placed.


-A well written description will make listing your site easier. Descriptions over 20 words will be edited. Strings of keywords, all caps, and excessive promotional language will be removed.


-We like to link with sites that complement ours or can offer our clients a valid service. We will not exchange links with any website that is unduly offensive or fraudulently boastful in its claims. We prefer to trade links with non-competative but complimentary sites.


-No pornography or links to pornography are on your site. We decide where to draw the line between erotic art and pornography. This site will not list sites that contain material or direct links to material that may be offensive to more sensitive viewers.


-Site must be reachable. Your site may be rejected if it is unreachable due to page/server errors or takes an unreasonable amount of time to load. We will not add "Under Construction" sites.


-The source of the contents should we well established, respectable and dependent.


-There should be contact information on the site.


-The site should be well organized, intuative, and easy to manuver within.


-We prefer not to link to sites built on free servers; however, if the site meets the requirements and appears to have a well established organization, community, and usefulness, and has a pleasing appearance, it may still be added.


-We can only link to those who will be linking back to ' . STORE_NAME . '. Please do not request any links if you do not intend to reciprocate.


-We can only link to your page in one instance, please do not submit a link to a site we are already linking to.


-Your site cannot state or imply that ' . STORE_NAME . ' endorses a company, product or service.


-Your website cannot use ' . STORE_NAME . ' name, logo, slogan or other images without prior permission.


<FONT COLOR=99BBDD><B>For Help:</B></FONT>

<BR>If you have questions, need help, or would like to change the banner, description, or link of your existing link on our links page, please <A HREF=contact_us.php>contact Marketing</A>. If you need technical assistance, please <A HREF=contact_us.php>contact our Webmaster</A>.




I just want to change the banner images to closetbanner5.gif and closetbanner6.gif

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can no one help me? :blink:


This is the first time I've seen your post, however its likely you haven't received a response because no one is able to figure out what it is you are trying to do, I know I certainly can't. Be more specific, where are you trying to make those changes? Don't post the entire file, not only does it make it more difficult to find what you might be asking about, it takes awhile to scroll through it all. You want to be respectful of people's time if you wish for them to spend some of it helping you.


Show the specific line of code you are trying to change, what it looked like originally and what it looked like after you changed it to produce the error. It will be easier for someone to pick out the problem and provide you with a solution.


Be well,


If you're not having fun you're not doing it right


Teach a person to fish rather than give them a loaf of bread or however that saying goes.

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