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Credit Card checkout problems


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I am suddenly having problems with my website. It is pretty basic os-commerce and has been running for some time. Just now have a customer reporting couldnt feed in credit card details and check out. I tried myself and have the same problem. Nothing has changed on the website since the last few orders. Once they get to checkout_confirmation - it sends them back to checkout_payment.php.


I have no idea what to do - anyone any ideas?


Many thanks for any help on this one

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PWA contains 2 files, checkout_process.php and checkout_payment.php, which are also used by your credit card module. So, if you don't integrate them, you'll have problems. It sounds like that's what happened.

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I'm a newbie and I am having this same problem. I'm not sure what you mean by this comment:


"PWA contains 2 files, checkout_process.php and checkout_payment.php, which are also used by your credit card module. So, if you don't integrate them, you'll have problems. It sounds like that's what happened".


How do I intergrate these two files? Do you have detailed instructions on how to fix this problem?



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I use WinMerge to integrate php files. Go to WinMerge and download the free program. It has a feature that lets you open 2 files and see them on the screen side-by-side. Open your credit card module file (example: if you're using the Authorize.Net Consolidated 1.7 with Curl Fix contribution, it has a file called checkout_process.php) and the new file (look in the Purchase Without Acount contribution for checkout_process.php) that you want integrated. The differences in the 2 files will be highlighted in red. Transfer the new file over and save. You may have to experiment a few times to get it to work right. Remember to work off of a copy of the file (rename the original file) so you can restore it to the original state if you need to.

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