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How do I change text size?


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I played with the stylesheet.css file that someone helped me setup. First I downloaded the original and saved it. Then I changed the background color just to see how it would look and then changed everything back to the way it was, uploading the original file. I'm not sure if that's got anything to do with my problem now, but today I noticed that all the text on my catalog/index page with my welcome message and also all my product pages with the product descriptions is too big and bold (not smaller like it was before) How do I edit the text to make it smaller again? I never changed anything to do with text size and not sure why this happened.

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Noone responded to my post but I PM'd someone who sent me the answer and I'm posting it here in case anyone else is struggling with this problem:


To fix/change the text style for the main page and product listing do this;

Open catalog/stylesheet.css

Scroll down till you see this section


TD.main, P.main {

font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;

font-size: 12px;

line-height: 1.5;



change the the font and size accordingly, i.e.


TD.main, P.main {

font-family: Times New Roman, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;

font-size: 15px;

line-height: 1.5;



The reason why there is more than one font type listed is this; should a users PC's not have the first font available then the next in line will be used and so on.

If you dont want the type to revert to any of the others as they may spoil the look of the layout then just remove them from the list like so;


TD.main, P.main {

font-family: Arial, sans-serif;

font-size: 12px;

line-height: 1.5;


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