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Design question.......Help.... Please


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If I want to customize my site so to speak. Change the style of the boxes, make a different "buy now" button, change font maybe do a color fade bar can I do this or should I look for a template that will provide me with the basics of what I am looking for??


I have a very stock oscommerce site. I have changed the colors, added a page header etc. but I am looking to do a little more and I was just wondering if there is a way for me to code this in or am I looking at a Project way outa my leauge?


I have seen some cool templates but the colors arent the scheme I want or something isint exactly the way I want. I would prefer to do this on my own and not hire some one to do it for me. I am willing to learn and try it. Just wanted to get some advice if it was possible to make the changes I am wanting too.


Also sorry one more question..... Under my catagories is it possible to have main catagories and then sub catagories...that go to products???? Example Acura>>Rear Spoilers>> Pic of Audi Spoilers......If any one could help me with this I would be very appriciative.

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You can make any changes you want without using a template. You will find the buttons in the

includes/languages/english/images/buttons folder ( if not english then substitute whatever lang you are using)


Setting up sub cats is easy and is done in the admin just like adding the top cats and products. Just open up one of your existing categories and then add another inside it

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