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Changing shipping status


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I have about 180 order backlog of orders from the holidays that are in "pending status". I figured it was more important to get the customer their order than updating the status.


Anyhow, I want to bring these all up to date, and using the admin tool is a labor intensive process with too much clicking.


1) Can this be done diretly in the database using PHPadmin?

2) If #1 is yes, does that mess anything else up?



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you would have to change the sql orders table column orders_status for every order. A simple sql command could do that.


update orders set orders_status = 3


but better backup the dbase before running sql commands

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I have about 180 order backlog of orders from the holidays that are in "pending status". I figured it was more important to get the customer their order than updating the status.


Anyhow, I want to bring these all up to date, and using the admin tool is a labor intensive process with too much clicking.


1) Can this be done diretly in the database using PHPadmin?

2) If #1 is yes, does that mess anything else up?




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