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Left justified store??


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I have been searching around to try and find the format in which I want my store to follow and I have come to the conclusion that full screen is not something I want, but I guess I could live with it. Fixed width centered is out of the question as it does not appeal to my customer base. I see alot of sites in the same business as me with left justified sites and the background showing up on the right hand side. Is there a contrib for this sort of thing? An example of what I am looking for can be seen here www.slponline.com .


Thanks in advance!

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Do you mean that you don't want the column on the right side (with the shopping cart item list, tell-a-friend, etc)? I moved those to the left column by changing the code in catalog/includes/column_left.php and column_right.php.



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Do you mean that you don't want the column on the right side (with the shopping cart item list, tell-a-friend, etc)? I moved those to the left column by changing the code in catalog/includes/column_left.php and column_right.php.




Well I am going more for the entire store is justified on the left side of the page look. Meaning it will still have left/right columns but instead of either being centered or stretched depending on computer resolution I want it to reside only on the left side of the page.

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