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Practical eCommerce Interview


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I just wanted to provide a link to the podcast of the interview that Harald Ponce de Leon and Christian Lescuyer did with Practical eCommerce magazine. As the leaders of the osCommerce Project they provided a lot of great information about the open source movement and osCommerce.


You can access the podcast here:


osCommerce Interview Podcast


They also talk a bit about the new framework that will be released with the Milestone 3 release that is coming up, as well as information about the final 2.2 release scheduled for the end of January 2006.

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I just wanted to provide a link to the podcast of the interview that Harald Ponce de Leon and Christian Lescuyer did with Practical eCommerce magazine. As the leaders of the osCommerce Project they provided a lot of great information about the open source movement and osCommerce.


You can access the podcast here:


osCommerce Interview Podcast


They also talk a bit about the new framework that will be released with the Milestone 3 release that is coming up, as well as information about the final 2.2 release scheduled for the end of January 2006.


THAT"S GREAT!!! I spoke with the publisher of Pratical Eccommerce on the phone about featuring more OsCommerce oriented stories as opposed to Miva Merchant when I recieved the very first issue, and I see that they've been busy including many different carts in their magazine.


Really great magazine!! I can't wait till the new issue comes in the mail/

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I just wanted to provide a link to the podcast of the interview that Harald Ponce de Leon and Christian Lescuyer did with Practical eCommerce magazine. As the leaders of the osCommerce Project they provided a lot of great information about the open source movement and osCommerce.


You can access the podcast here:


osCommerce Interview Podcast


They also talk a bit about the new framework that will be released with the Milestone 3 release that is coming up, as well as information about the final 2.2 release scheduled for the end of January 2006.

Harald, Christian,


It's great to hear a voice behind the code :P



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  • 1 month later...

We have put up a new website at the magazine, so I wanted to make sure an post the new URL to find the podcast here. This is a link to the interview that was published by Practical eCommerce magazine, and from there you can link to listen to the podcast.


osCommerce Founder: Open-Source Encourages Collaboration


I also spoke with Christian Lescuyer a few weeks ago, and it appears that he has left the project. He is a busy man, and I got the impression that as much as he loves working on OSC, he simply didn't have the time to devote to it anymore. That's a sad loss.


Both Christian and Harald (with whom I spoke with also a few weeks ago) relayed to me that even though they are behind in releasing the OSC improvements, they are on their way and well worth the wait. I for one am really excited to see the changes that are being made.


Thanks everyone!

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I also spoke with Christian Lescuyer a few weeks ago, and it appears that he has left the project. He is a busy man, and I got the impression that as much as he loves working on OSC, he simply didn't have the time to devote to it anymore. That's a sad loss.


That is sad news, I didn't know that. Best of luck with everything Christian. :thumbsup:

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