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I need basic PHP teaching...


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Im trying to add a link at the top of my page to a contacts page threw an image.


In html I can do this easy...


<a href="contact_us.php"><img scr="contact.jpg"></a>


But after doing this on my site, everything links together fine but when something is added to the cart for example and you click on the link this disapears and you look like you have just arrived to the site, the PHP is not working... I can see that I need to learn how to link to things in php... please someone tell me, and not just for this perticular link, can someone give me the knowledge to be able to link to any page using php without losing information?


I hope you can understand my waffle.


Tim :thumbsup:

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Im trying to add a link at the top of my page to a contacts page threw an image.


In html I can do this easy...


<a href="contact_us.php"><img scr="contact.jpg"></a>


But after doing this on my site, everything links together fine but when something is added to the cart for example and you click on the link this disapears and you look like you have just arrived to the site, the PHP is not working... I can see that I need to learn how to link to things in php... please someone tell me, and not just for this perticular link, can someone give me the knowledge to be able to link to any page using php without losing information?


I hope you can understand my waffle.


Tim :thumbsup:


A link using a picture would look something like this:


 <?php echo '<a href="contact_us.php">' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'oscommerce.gif', 'The name of your store, or whatever page it is you are linking to, etc') . '</a>'; ?>

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A link using a picture would look something like this:


 <?php echo '<a href="contact_us.php">' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'oscommerce.gif', 'The name of your store, or whatever page it is you are linking to, etc') . '</a>'; ?>


I did this but the end result is still the same, when I click on the link I lose items in my basket etc. I think it must be something to do with "contact_us.php" maybe this should be some clever PHP stuff instead?



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I did this but the end result is still the same, when I click on the link I lose items in my basket etc. I think it must be something to do with "contact_us.php" maybe this should be some clever PHP stuff instead?




You need to include the sessions info. You can see how to do this by looking at the links that are already in your header, they start with '<a href="' . tep_href_link



When you add new links you need to do the same thing. I am pretty sure there is a article in the knowledge base on adding new links.

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