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Help .. Tax charge does not transfer to Paypal first screen!!!


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I'm using osCommerce-PayPal_IPN-v1.1 Contribution..


Installation is easy and easy to follow instruction.


But one HUGE PROBELM and I tried to search for an answer first before making this HELP post.


I also tried this on live paypal and I have the same result.


Here is the scenario;




Before you click on Confirm Order you review your charges.

On sample screen shot I'm showing you that the order has Tax Charge.





When you click on Confirm it takes you to Paypal CHECK OUT Page.

Notice that the tax information is NOT included in this screen..



?? ..My question to this screen.. ??


Is this a problem in the contribution?


with paypal?


Is this normal and everyone has this same window when your customer clicks on confirm?




After you login to paypal account it takes you to "Make Your Payment" screen.

Now, notice that the TAX will appear when your customer will make the payment.





Any comments and suggestions or help you can tell me to show the Tax charge in Check out charge in Paypal?


I manage to combine (products tab, review, xsell, prod attrib with a little change on the code i made to sweet enough the multi images i created) into products_info.php


xsell_v2.3 --> 80% working only. The cache folder does not update and no one can answer it.




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I'm using osCommerce-PayPal_IPN-v1.1 Contribution..


Installation is easy and easy to follow instruction.


But one HUGE PROBELM and I tried to search for an answer first before making this HELP post.


I also tried this on live paypal and I have the same result.


Here is the scenario;




Before you click on Confirm Order you review your charges.

On sample screen shot I'm showing you that the order has Tax Charge.





When you click on Confirm it takes you to Paypal CHECK OUT Page.

Notice that the tax information is NOT included in this screen..



?? ..My question to this screen.. ??


Is this a problem in the contribution?


with paypal?


Is this normal and everyone has this same window when your customer clicks on confirm?




After you login to paypal account it takes you to "Make Your Payment" screen.

Now, notice that the TAX will appear when your customer will make the payment.






You need to dump the details that had been posted to paypal.

That will clarify what went wrong.


Also we need to check at the paypal profile setting(if the tax amount was sent plus the total amount sent was what actully was to be ) as to why it was not displayed.


So By all means reaching the solution faster needs a dump of what posted to paypal.








Any comments and suggestions or help you can tell me to show the Tax charge in Check out charge in Paypal?

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I seem to have the same problem, exactly the same as what you are getting. It was working find when i was using the default Pay Pal module, but seemed to stop working after i added the IPN Pay Pal Module.


I will try and see where its going wrong on mine, but at the moment im completley lost.


I have gone through all my payment options / Tax options / Locations options, everything was working fine untill i added the other IPN module. Its strange since it still passes it to the second screen. Ive gone through all the options in my pay pal account and cant see anything there.


Posibly the Non IPN Pay Pal module told the first screen different items to show and the IPN Pay Pal Module is missing the Tax section ?


Anyone can see this happening at my shop www.stormexpress.com dont buy anything though.





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