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The e-commerce.

Paypal and post/packing


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I have installed oscommerce in place of paypal shopping cart, using the same account for payment, so I know it works.


I have just had the first order confirmation from paypal, but it has only taken for the order value less the p&p


The order shows the value ?15.08 plus ?2.50 p&p = ?17.58 - but the paypal advie note says ?15.08 order total, P&P ?0.00 so I am at a loss as to why the whole value has not been passed to paypal - anyone shed some light please??





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OK, I've been able to answer my own question, but just in case it catches anyone else out - make sure you check the box "allow application settings to over ride paypal settings for postage and packing" in paypal merchant tools.




I have installed oscommerce in place of paypal shopping cart, using the same account for payment, so I know it works.


I have just had the first order confirmation from paypal, but it has only taken for the order value less the p&p


The order shows the value ?15.08 plus ?2.50 p&p = ?17.58 - but the paypal advie note says ?15.08 order total, P&P ?0.00 so I am at a loss as to why the whole value has not been passed to paypal - anyone shed some light please??





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