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email subject line


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Hi, I figured out how to change the subject line of the emails for the new order confirmation and the order updates. I am trying to add the order number to the text but didn't do a very good job. Can anyone explain what I'm doing wrong




I assumed because in the text (email_text_order_number) the order number is simply stated as 'Oorder Number:' that putting that within the Email_text_subject would insert the order number there. Wrong....


It allows the email to go through but the subject line still only reads Angels Whim Order Confirmation.


I really don't understand the programming language, really faking my way through all of this and exploring so if anyone can help I would greatly appreciate it.




This is what I have at cart/includes/languages/english/checkout_process.php



define('EMAIL_TEXT_SUBJECT', 'Angels Whim Order Confirmation','Order Number:');

define('EMAIL_TEXT_ORDER_NUMBER', 'Order Number:');

define('EMAIL_TEXT_INVOICE_URL', 'Detailed Invoice:');


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Thanks but could you state that in English? As I said, I'm faking it until I understand it.





You have to pull in the order number from the database in the root level file and print it out in the file at the includes/languages/yourlanguage/ level.



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You Tom are a very nice person!

Thank you!!!


But...... now you knew there would be one of those right<smile>


I got the new order working perfectly with the order # in the subject line along with my own text.


It's the update emails that are giving me a problem. I read through all those posts and put in all the changes but... the subject line is still reading...... EMAIL_TEXT_SUBJECT_12


I've even played around some - blew out the from email, got the order number in the from email and such but corrected it all back. It's kind of fun to see what happens, but frustrating just the same when you can't get it to do what you want.


I did the regular emails and the extra emails and all instances mentioned in that thread and just can't get it to read .... "Update to your Angels Whim Order # xxx " I don't need the actual status in the subject line they can open the email to find that out.


Any chance you know how to fix that or can direct me to another post where it might be corrected All the ones in that thread aren't doing it for me.


Thanks again!




Complements of jcall




Happy New Year Rhea......haven't been around for awhile (personal issues).

Sending good vibes from across the pond.....



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Don't know how to edit my own post. I figured it out don't know what I changed since I changed a few things but I got it working

Thank you very much.


Something I find curious though. I was so worried about having the order number but when I go in to look at the orders there's no oder number on the screen. Only - Customers - Order Total - Date Purchased -Status Action


So it doesn't seem to do me much good now does it.... It's not really relational If I get an email back from someone (without a quote) and they don't bother to put their name How do I look up the order? Is there something that puts the order number on the order status page?







Complements of jcall




Happy New Year Rhea......haven't been around for awhile (personal issues).

Sending good vibes from across the pond.....



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