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Are .jpg, .gif and . swf supported as product images?


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Before I decide to use OS-Commerce I'd like to know if the product images support more than 1 (.jpg) extension. Is it possible to use also (animated).gif and .swf files to show product images?


Check this "under construction" catalog I m working to see. I use swf, gif, jpg as well.

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To kgt:

So, if I insert the <object> html-code </object> into the image-name-field, (or description?) the .swf file is shown? I understand that, in case of a .swf-file (FLASH) I have to point the HTML VALUE to the right location on the server.

And an animated gif? Does it still works if the image passes the upload process? Is there a thumbnail created of the uploaded image?


To danil0:

As far as I can see your products contain only .jpg and .gif images. What products have an .swf image/file?

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<object> html-code </object>


will not work as is. You can modify OSC to do this, or there may be a contribution for this.


Image thumbnails (true thumbnails) are created via contributions. It depends on the contribution how animated gif's will be thumbnailed, but there's nothing stopping them from working. They're perfectly valid images.


Again, any image that can be shown in an html <img> tag will work. Anything else requires either you to personally customize the code, or find a contribution that already does so.



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