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Nested Update error


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Since I expect this problem to have less to do with OSC and more with MySQL, I'll answer to upcoming 'check the mysql forum' replies with the following: I tried, dead end.


Now, as perhaps more of you have encountered this; the real problem.

Performing the following query on MySQL 4.0.15:





UPDATE products_to_categories SET categories_id =166 WHERE (

categories_id =78 AND products_id IN (

SELECT p.products_id

FROM products p

WHERE p.products_status =0




MySQL said:


#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'SELECT p.products_id

FROM products p

WHERE p.products_statu



Now, both the update query and the select query seem to work fine, stand-alone. Although, as soon as I try to combine them.. this error occurs.


Many thanks in advance.

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