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PayPal Issues With Shipping when using AUD


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Hi all,


I have a weird issue, I have managed to have items billed in AUD and these prices are displayed in AUD upon checking out. he breakdown is sub-total in AUD, then shipping in AUD then the grand total in AUD. When I go to pay using PayPal ..the amount passed to PayPal is only the subtotal in AUD. The shipping total is ignored and not charged. It shows as zero (even though 1 screen before it has picked it up). Now...what is weird is if I use USD instead as the main currency...this issues doesn't occur. I think I need to change somewhere so that the shipping in AUD is passed to PayPal as well.


I changed the following to make AUD work:


1. english.php has been changed from USD to AUD in the Language_Currecy section

2. I have deleted all currencies except AUD

3. I have added AUD as a currency option in the PayPal module (this replaced the CAD option)


I appear to have done everything correct????strange


Anyone have an idea as to where I have gone so wrong ?



Thanks for any forthcoming advice.






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Okay further to this I can confirm that PayPal is receiving the info encrypted. I can make out the dollar amounts inside the URL that buyers are directed to. I tested to see what would happen if I change a digit in the URL...and as expected the amount in the pyapal subtotal changed......so this confirmed that the info is being passed out to PayPal correctly. I then looked to see if PayPal was being passed correct shiping amounts.....and low and behold it is...so it seems PayPal is screwing something up. Anyway....not sure what to do now....I've read about 50 posts or so where people describe this exact problem or very similar to it and no-one has ever posted a final answer so it seems no-one is able to help.


Maybe someone can surprise me!

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Well, I can surprise myself. I found the issue ...sort of. I started a new PayPal account and the issue no longer occurs. So obviously this was a PayPal side problem. Funy thing is I compared the 2 accounts I now have for PayPal and both are identical. So I can only assume that the issue is underlying somewhere in the 1st PayPal account. Anyway all fixed so I am happy. Anyone else that experiences a similar problem....try a new paypal account first or Email me [email protected] and I may be able to shed some more light.

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