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I've looked over the osc doc and spent the last 2 hours searching various keywords for an answer. I've come up short and thought before I went insane from most likely over looking the answer I would ask for help.


I would like to change the text in the search help pop up to match my products. Would some kind soul point me into the correct location?


Thanks in advance for your time -- Mindy

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I've looked over the osc doc and spent the last 2 hours searching various keywords for an answer. I've come up short and thought before I went insane from most likely over looking the answer I would ask for help.


I would like to change the text in the search help pop up to match my products. Would some kind soul point me into the correct location?


Thanks in advance for your time -- Mindy


After I walked away from this for a bit I easily found my answer. Sorry gang for the double posting.


For anyone else that would like to do the same as noted above. Simply modify the info in includes/languages/english/advanced_search.php

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