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How to find the category page?


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I know category pages are displayed as index.php?cPath=xx. But it is not the index page which includes the interface elements. For example, I want to adjust the layout a little of the page which displays a list of products when I click on a category. But what page is it? It should be a template somewhere... could somebody please tell me the file name and path of it? hanks a lot!

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I know category pages are displayed as index.php?cPath=xx. But it is not the index page which includes the interface elements. For example, I want to adjust the layout a little of the page which displays a list of products when I click on a category. But what page is it? It should be a template somewhere... could somebody please tell me the file name and path of it? hanks a lot!


The product listing page you will find under (catalog)/includes/modules and is called product_listing.php

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