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How to BackUp?


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I would like to backup my OsC, all the orders, customers...etc. all the contributions that I have installed, inclusing the SQL database.


Can I just use a FTP to copy everything in /public_html? Is that the correct way to backup?


If my server crashed, can I just upload all the files that I have in my /public_html and get everything back and running just like before?

Best regards,

Koh Kho King

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Using the OSC Admin Backup will backup your mysql database.


You still need to backup your OSC install (directory structure, PHP code and mods you made to it). You could use FTP to back it up, but it would be quicker and handier to zip it or tar.gz it then download it. Your hosting control panel probably has this option. Or you probably can ssh into your server and use tar/gzip or zip to compress it into one big file.

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You need to CHMOD (using your FTP client) the directory to 777 to make it writable.


I'm not sure about this even though I think I've done it before.

I have a control panel provided by my server and it has "Change permissions for directory" but all it shows is the following with otions to select certain boxes.


Read mode : Write mode : Execute/search mode :




Ride It Like You Stole It

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If you go to admin/tools/backup it tells you that it needs configuring in configure.php


I'VE DONE IT :D well happy thanks.

Now, I got my database backed up on my pc & downloaded all my files so that my host can switch me to another server BUT, what else would I need to do, such as change any of my php files?

Ride It Like You Stole It

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It depends on where you're going to be put.


If the server change just means that your website will be on another server but will have the same URL then I don't think you'll need to change anything in the php files.


Excellent, thanks :)

Ride It Like You Stole It

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Just a question, what exactly do you configure in catalog/admin/includes/configure.php?


This line in configure.php needs to point to a folder that exists and has write permissions -

define('DIR_FS_BACKUP', DIR_FS_ADMIN . 'backups/');

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