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The e-commerce.

Changing my banner again


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I've changed my banner, but for some reason it won't show, where do you look to find the html to manual change it as it i can't seem to find it, also when i use the banner manager it doesn't work so thats why i'm not attempting it.


If you are talking about the banner that appears at the top of your page, there are only two ways to change it. The quick and dirty way, change the name of your banner to oscommerce.gif and upload it to the images folder. Or the better way, open up includes/header.php do a search for oscommerce.gif and change that code to the name of your banner and upload your banner with its regular name to the images folder.


Be well,


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Thanks Tina, i found it in the includes/header.php file, and now it works :)



What is the directory that the image is stored under? I found to osCommerce images, replaced those with "banner2.gif" and then replaced the coding in header.pho to banner2.gif, but for some reason it just shows the "alt text" in the top left :S


No wait, it suddenly loaded! woohoo! probably just my cache.

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