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The e-commerce.

Reinstall/Reset Database


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I have been having a stack of problems, the result of the installation being done twice by the ISP and ending up with problems similar to this one:


(Multiple Entries in Configuration)



I have spent many days trying to get it all working correctly but to no avail, so as a last resort before I delete my current install and start again, i was wondering if it was possible to totally reinstall/reset the database portion of osCommerce so i don't have to rebuild it all again?

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I have been having a stack of problems, the result of the installation being done twice by the ISP and ending up with problems similar to this one:


(Multiple Entries in Configuration)



I have spent many days trying to get it all working correctly but to no avail, so as a last resort before I delete my current install and start again, i was wondering if it was possible to totally reinstall/reset the database portion of osCommerce so i don't have to rebuild it all again?


You may use the oscommerce.sql file that comes with the installation and run that against your database, it will drop and recreate all the tables. But......... if you do so you will lose any changes that you have made to your currect database, which are likely many of the changes you are afraid of losing.


Be well,


If you're not having fun you're not doing it right


Teach a person to fish rather than give them a loaf of bread or however that saying goes.

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