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The e-commerce.

A few last config problems


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Great stuff so far. However, I have a few more questions :D


Sorry if they have been asked before, searches turned up blank.


1. In the bottom left of the shop, I see a placed for my shipping, refund and other policies to be listed - however in admin side of things, I can't find the place to modify this. Where is it?


2. At the top of the store, it says "Lets See What We Have Here" Where do I change that?

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Grr, where is that edit button?


3. . The main screen still says "for demonstration purposes" how do I make it work for real? or is this actually a live version, and that is just the default text?


4. Are there other things that should be changed that I am likely to be missing out?

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however in admin side of things, I can't find the place to modify this. Where is it?
and that is just the default text?


The answer to both questions is found in the includes/languages/yourlanguage/ folder. Download the files, take a backup (just in case), edit in a plain text editor like Notepad, Text Pad or Crimson Editor (not Word, Wordpad, or FrontPage), and uploaded when finished. If there's an error then restore from the backup you made.


If you use text on this pages (which you will want to do) and the text contains apostrophies then they must be 'escaped' with a preceeding backslash, as in:

Let's = wrong

Let\'s = right



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