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MASSIVE amount of variables for one option, is there a simpler way?


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I have around 150+ figures that we can use while building our trophies. I do not want to put 150 choices on "Choose your figure" option, it would not only be overwhelming to input, it would be overwhelming for the customer. I can't figure out how to do this...is there some sort of contribution or way to give the customer all the choices with little hassle? Here's around half of what we offer: One of our manufacturers

There are many figures per catagory...and as I said above that's about half of what we offer, maybe even a bit less.


Here's what I have so far:




Any ideas/suggestions?

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  • 1 year later...

I run a website for a sporting goods company, so I have to use the same attributes for multiple products. There is a Clone Attributes contribution that allows you to clone the attributes from one product to another in one 'motion'. I just create a product called A-Adult Sizes S-3XL for example, the A- so I know it's only attributes and also so it is sorted to the top of the product list.


Hope this helps

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