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Catalog dir.


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My host Voda.com has an auto install for OSC. I used it for my installation of OSC. It recommended that I install OSC in the root public dir. So I ended up with all my files in that root dir. files like the index.php in the root dir., everything works well.


I have a catalog dir as well, and it has redundent files as the root dir. \root\catalog\includes and so on. My root dir looks like \root\includes, also \root\admin\ and so on. Can I delete that catalog dir? I guess one way of finding out is to backup delete it and see if the store brakes.


If I don't need it, I would like to get rid of it. I was try to install Articles Manager and mess up becase I got confussed and copy files into the wrong dir. in that catalog dir.





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My host Voda.com has an auto install for OSC. I used it for my installation of OSC. It recommended that I install OSC in the root public dir. So I ended up with all my files in that root dir. files like the index.php in the root dir., everything works well.


I have a catalog dir as well, and it has redundent files as the root dir. \root\catalog\includes and so on. My root dir looks like \root\includes, also \root\admin\ and so on. Can I delete that catalog dir? I guess one way of finding out is to backup delete it and see if the store brakes.


If I don't need it, I would like to get rid of it. I was try to install Articles Manager and mess up becase I got confussed and copy files into the wrong dir. in that catalog dir.






It is very likely that this catalog folder is not being referenced. An even easier way to check would be to just rename the catalog folder. Then after a time with no problems, you can just delete it. If it turns out you do need it, you can just rename it back to catalog.

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