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oscommerce upgrade problem


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"Warning: I am able to write to the configuration file: /home/rcmode2/public_html/shop/includes/configure.php. This is a potential security risk - please set the right user permissions on this file."


Cant get rid of this after installing the upgrade, i tried what the manual said but still no luck


can anyone help.



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"Warning: I am able to write to the configuration file: /home/rcmode2/public_html/shop/includes/configure.php. This is a potential security risk - please set the right user permissions on this file."


Cant get rid of this after installing the upgrade, i tried what the manual said but still no luck


can anyone help.



follow this link. it might help...


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Hi There,


Open your FTP Program and go to the following directory on your server:



Search for a file called configure.php.


RIGHT Mouseclick on this file , and CHMOD it so that only the OWNER can WRITE ( Premissions )


Good Luck,



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CHMOD only works on Apache servers, and does not work on Windows servers. Permissions on the includes/configure.php file should either be 644, 444 or 400 - depending on your server.


If all else fails, do this:


Create a new text document on your Desktop, and rename it to chmod.php (ignore the warning about changing the file type).


Insert this code (below) into it and upload it to the root of your osCommerce website via FTP. Then go to http://www.yourdomain.com/chmod.php - you won't see anything on the screen but the file permission should have changed. Once you confirm that delete the chmod.php file (don't leave it on your server).


chmod ("includes/configure.php", 0444);


That can also be 0644 or 0400



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CHMOD only works on Apache servers, and does not work on Windows servers. Permissions on the includes/configure.php file should either be 644, 444 or 400 - depending on your server.


If all else fails, do this:


Create a new text document on your Desktop, and rename it to chmod.php (ignore the warning about changing the file type).


Insert this code (below) into it and upload it to the root of your osCommerce website via FTP. Then go to http://www.yourdomain.com/chmod.php - you won't see anything on the screen but the file permission should have changed. Once you confirm that delete the chmod.php file (don't leave it on your server).


chmod ("includes/configure.php", 0444);


That can also be 0644 or 0400



if you're on windows, the fix is easy.

right-click, go to properties and make sure "read-only" check box is selected. then refresh your page.

that's it.

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