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Product e-mail notification without buying the product!


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I'm selling dresses, but I have only one of each dress.


1. Can I use the notifications function to e-mail interested customers if this product is on sale???

2. If yes, will the e-mail notification be sent automatically to the interested customers when I reduce the price, or will this have to be done manually under newsletter in admin?

3. When someone clicks on the link in the product notification box " Notify me about changes to this product......", I don't want them directed to the create account page, as they are not about to buy the product, they only want an e-mail if the product goes on sale (and I have only one of it:-)). So, can I direct them to a page where they only have to give their e-mailaddress instead? And maybe with a continue/back button that directs them back to the cart again after giving their e-mail adress?


Hope somebody know how to do this (which codes to use and where) or have any suggestions:-)


Thank you!

Best regards


Best regards


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