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Error: Catalog images directory is not writeable:


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I am all of a sudden getting this error on a new install. My previous installs on other perts of my server do not have this problem. What am I missing???

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This means that the images directory i not writable by the web server.


If you want it to be writable (pretty silly idea, but most people seem to want that) then you need to set it such.


This is an operating system function. It is not something you do is OSC.



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I contacted the host and they are obviously pointing fingers back at OSC... any suggestions of where I can go from here?


This means that the images directory i not writable by the web server.


If you want it to be writable (pretty silly idea, but most people seem to want that) then you need to set it such.


This is an operating system function. It is not something you do is OSC.



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From the Post Istall Documentation for OSC found off the Solutions link on the top of this page.


3. Set the permissions on catalog/images directory to 777

4. Set the permissions on admin/images/graphs directory to 777

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sorry for being such a beginner, but how do you do that?


From the Post Istall Documentation for OSC found off the Solutions link on the top of this page.


3. Set the permissions on catalog/images directory to 777

4. Set the permissions on admin/images/graphs directory to 777

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You need to use an FTP program to give the images folder write permissions. The exact process differs depending on the program, but it's usually something along the lines of right-clicking the directory and choosing "Properties" or "Permissions."


To set the directory to 777, you'd want read/write/execute privileges for owner, group, and everyone. Generally, it's better if you set the permissions to something a little more restrictive, but it depends on how the webserver is set up. You should be able to contact your host for more information on setting folder permissions if you can't figure it out using the FTP program.



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OK< tried this option and still gives the error, any other suggestions??? Thanks to everyone trying to work on this for me!!!


You need to use an FTP program to give the images folder write permissions. The exact process differs depending on the program, but it's usually something along the lines of right-clicking the directory and choosing "Properties" or "Permissions."


To set the directory to 777, you'd want read/write/execute privileges for owner, group, and everyone. Generally, it's better if you set the permissions to something a little more restrictive, but it depends on how the webserver is set up. You should be able to contact your host for more information on setting folder permissions if you can't figure it out using the FTP program.

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