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The e-commerce.

What is cPath


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Please someone help!


On our site we have a button.


When we click this button it takes the browser to a page: as follows:




This page is generated by oscommerce. We want to put a paragraph of text at the top of this page but we don't know how.


How do we do this?


We assume that we need to understand and access whatever cPath is so we can sort this out?


Basically the question is this.


How can I create my own page with OsCommerce embedded into it.


Please read this post carefully as many people have answered my question yet totally missed the point of what I was asking.


Thank you



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cPath is not a page, therefor you cannot access it and edit it like I think you want to. cPath is a variable.


The page you're actually seeing is called index.php. This code looks up information about your OSC store in the database based on the variables passed in (the text after the question mark). In this case, the code is being told to display category number 24:




If you want to edit this 'page', you'd most likely wish to edit the category that this page displays. There are contributions that allow you to add more information to categories, like descriptions.


It all depends on what exactly you want. I'm not sure I understand what you mean by this:


How can I create my own page with OsCommerce embedded into it.



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How can I create my own page with OsCommerce embedded into it.


If you literally want your own HTML web page with oscommerce (or the catagory page you listed in your post) to appear within it, use an iframe (inline frame.) Something like this -


<iframe id="some_name_to_call_it" src="http://www.somethingsimister.com/catalog/index.php?cPath=24" width=544 height=240 marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 hspace=0 vspace=0 frameborder=0 scrolling=no></iframe>

Set the width and height to something that works out for you.


I have used this method with other complex php scritps (photo galleries) so it should work with oscommerce.

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